
Instructor Image

Teacher: Leslie Yates
Date/Time: Monday - 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM
Recommended Grades: 10th, 11th, 12th
Department: Science
Grade Level: High School (9th-12th)
Maximum Enrollment: 24

Text: Glencoe Chemistry Matter and Change provided by teacher, ISBN # 9780076774609

The year in chemistry will cover a broad spectrum of topics surrounding the properties and changes in matter. We will start with the structure of the atom and the use of the periodic table to predict properties of different elements. We will move to bonding and compounds, and will build on that to see how those compounds interact in chemical reactions. From there it’s on to thermochemistry and gas laws, investigating heat in chemical reactions and the relationship between pressure, volume, and temperature. Discovering the nature of solutions, acids, and bases will be next, and the year will round out with some work on reaction rates and equilibrium. We will use labs throughout the year and as we go through all these topics, we will always investigate them by applying them to real life problems and scenarios. My goal is to break the concepts down so that students can access the material and gain confidence in their knowledge and application of chemistry!

Students should expect up to 4 hours of work completed at home each week. Tuition: $80/month for 9 months. Payments are September through May

Lab Fee: $75 one time payment. Due in August.

Supplies to bring to Class: 3 ring binder

Notebook paper


Highlighter Colored Pencils Dividers

Access to a computer and internet is needed.