Financial Literacy
Here for a class promo video by two of our students who wrote
the song and created the video. Pre-Requisite: Algebra 1 Two of the biggest
stressors in life are time and money. Learn practically and biblically how God
gives us enough of both to enjoy the peace of His plan and purpose for our
lives. The semester-long curriculum covers topics like money management skills,
loans, credit cards, and wise purchasing habits with an emphasis on biblical,
financial stewardship. This course can be used as an elective, but not as a
high school math credit for college purposes. (GA DOE Math of Finance, course
number 27.08700). Tuition: $400 per semester,
includes course workbook, class resources and monthly
administrative fees. The course will cover:
*** Grades
determined by – 65% average of 13 weekly
quizzes 20% final exam 10% class projects* 5% attendance / being on-time
/ participation A – 90-100 B – 80-89 C –
70-79 D – 60-69 *Advertisements, Investment Game, Expense Tracking,
Cost of Living Project