Painting Class
Fun! Fun! Fun! IF YOU LOVE COLOR AND LOVE TO PAINT SIGN UP! Students create art by using canvas, paper, wood and other mediums to create beautiful works of art. They use color theory to build a solid foundation of painting techniques using acrylic and watercolor. Students begin at their current level of artistic ability moving to higher levels of personal success. They will be painting step by step instructions while creating beautiful art. This study includes using composition and style to discover individual creativity. All art students are welcome to participate in art show during second semester. Winners will receive awards. Our exercises are building blocks that prepare students for future career opportunities in design and graphic arts. Also this study prepares a student for future career opportunities in design and graphic arts. Contact: JoDette DiDomizio email: 770-634-7073 ******************************************************************************************************************************* Tuition: $90/month for 9 months (2 Ways to Pay listed below) Yearly Supply Fee $75.00 1st Semester: Aug-Dec is $360.00 plus a yearly supply fee of $75.00 = total of $435.00 2nd Semester: Jan-May total of $450.00 due in January 2022 2 Ways to Pay: Sign up to pay online for monthly payments of $90.00, or make a one time check per semester, once in August of $360.00 plus yearly supply fee of $75.00 =$435.00, and a one time check for second semester in January for $450.00 or Checks payable to Art Secrets, LLC. Due on first day of each semester. No monthly checks please. |