Intro to Literature
Pre-Requisite: This class is taught at a college-preparatory high school level. Students in grades 9 and above are welcome, but this course is ideal for 9th and 10th graders. Students signing up for this course should have skills at or above grade level in writing and literary analysis. If you are unsure whether your students is suited to this course, please contact the instructor. Course Description: This college-preparatory course will provide students with a survey of the main elements and genres of Literature. The first semester will focus on the genres of Short Story, Novel, and Drama, while the second semester will be focused on studies of Shakespeare, Poetry, and Novels. Students will also progress in written composition skills through instruction and guided practice in reader response, literary analysis, and writing with research. Class time will be centered on lively large-group discussion, small-group learning activities, and limited lecture for new literary concepts. Satisfactory completion of all assignments related to this course will earn the student 1 Carnegie Unit in English (designed to satisfy required GADOE course 23.06100, but may also count as 23.06200). Minimum Class Size: 8 Tuition: $400/semester due on the first class day of each term. One-Time Supply/Admin Fee: $50 due on the first day of classes. This fee helps defray the costs of materials provided by the instructor during the year and MAS administrative fees charged to the instructor. Primary Course Text Themes in Literature - 5th Edition, A Beka Book $23.95 for Digital Copy. $49.30 for Print. Used copies OK is you can find one - must be 5th Edition. Additional Required Texts (NOTE: Any unabridged, un-adapted version of the following texts is acceptable). The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare The Giver by Lois Lowry Animal Farm by George Orwell To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway 101 Great American Poems (Dover Thrift Editions)